Curricula List
• Virginia School-Law Enforcement Partnership Training (2017; updated 2022) - Comprehensive training curricula for school administrators and school resource officers to be conducted statewide by the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services. Curriculum materials include instructor guide, four training modules, and slides with teaching script. • The National Adoption Competency Mental Health Training Initiative (2015 – 2017) - Contributor to two web-based curricula, one for child welfare professionals and one for mental health clinicians, focusing on meeting the mental health needs of children in and exiting from foster care. • Eyewitness Identification Training: Lineup Best Practices (2012) - Comprehensive curriculum with instructional script and instructor guide for use in training law enforcement officers statewide in newly adopted model policy. • Virginia Rules Law-related Education Program, Office of the Attorney General of Virginia (2009 – 2017) - Content for a core curriculum containing 17 initial and 5 subsequent lessons focusing on Virginia law and designed to be taught primarily by school resource officers in middle and high schools. Developed lesson content, designed evaluation, and provided ongoing consultation during program implementation. View at • Virginia School Resource Officer and School Security Officer Training (2009-2010). Updated comprehensive training curriculum for school resource officers and school security officers to be conducted by the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services. Curriculum is designed to be taught online using emerging technologies. • Campus Security Officer Basic Training (2008) - A seven-module basic training program designed for online delivery to persons seeking certification as a college/university campus security officer through the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services. Products included curriculum content and PowerPoint presentation; development of required readings; development of required assignments designed to apply learning to practice in the CSO’s campus environment; and development of module self-tests. • Prevention Through Information (PTI-VA) Training Products (2005; updated 2006, 2008, 2010):• Discipline, Crime, and Violence Data Collection and Data Use Online Training Modules. Five online training modules for school administrators and school/community school safety and prevention professionals. • Discipline, Crime, and Violence Data Collection Curriculum and Data Use Curriculum. Training for school administrators involved in data collection; designed to improve the quality and reliability of data collected; training for school and community program planners; designed to increase the proficient use of objective data for school safety and prevention program planning and evaluation.• Discipline, Crime, and Violence Online Tutorial. Online tutorial providing basic information about the discipline, crime, and violence data reporting requirements and process.• Protect and Respect: Crime Prevention for Seniors (2004) - A 29-lesson curriculum developed for the Governor’s Office as part of a statewide intergenerational program. • KIDsafe Virginia Personal Safety Lessons for Children and KIDsafe Virginia Crime Prevention Lessons for Teens (2002). Both curricula developed for the Governor's Office as part of statewide KIDsafe VA campaign.• KIDsafe Virginia Parent Guide to Personal Safety for Children and KIDsafe Virginia Parent Guide to Crime Prevention for Teens (2002). Both developed for the Governor's Office as part of statewide KIDsafe VA campaign. • Planning for Results: Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Program Planning and Evaluation. Developed for the Virginia Department of Education and delivered a series of statewide workshops, Spring and Fall 2002, Fall 2003.• School Resource Officer Basic Training. Developed for the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services (VDCJS) in 1997 and delivered by VDCJS 1997-2001.• National COPS in Schools Training. Developed for the National School Safety Center (NSSC) under contract from the Community-Oriented Policing Office, U.S. Department of Justice in 1999 and delivered by NSSC, 1999-2001.• Program Planning and Evaluation for Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Coordinators. Developed for the Virginia Department of Education and delivered by the Virginia Effective Practices Project, 1998-2001.